Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
commodity | 商品名 |
String, Null |
Format : Reference(/API/v1/Root/DealInformations/Get/{value},commodity);Notify;Protect |
containerDeliveryDate | 搬入日付 |
String, Null |
Format : date;Reference(/API/v1/Root/DealInformations/Get/{value},containerDeliveryDate);Notify;Protect |
forwarder |
Required |
partitionNo | パーティション番号 |
Integer, Null |
None. |
scacCode | 船社コード |
String, Null |
Format : ForeignKey /API/v1/Master/BusinessCodes?$filter=categoryCode eq '021' and businessCode eq '{value}';Reference(/API/v1/Root/DealInformations/Get/{value},scacCode);Notify;Protect |
seaWay |
Required |
serviceTypePorPod | サービスタイプ(荷受地/荷渡地) |
String, Null |
Format : ForeignKey /API/v1/Master/BusinessCodes?$filter=categoryCode eq '015' and businessCode eq '{value}';Reference(/API/v1/Root/DealInformations/Get/{value},serviceTypePorPod);Notify;Protect |
shipper |
Required |
totalPackagesType | パッケージタイプ(総数) |
String, Null |
Format : Reference(/API/v1/Root/DealInformations/Get/{value},totalPackagesType);Notify;Protect |