Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
arrivalLocationCode | 到着地コード |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalLocationName | 到着地名 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationAddressAll1 | 着荷通知先住所(連続入力) 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationAddressAll2 | 着荷通知先住所(連続入力)2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationCode1 | 着荷通知先コード 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationCode2 | 着荷通知先コード 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationCountryCode1 | 着荷通知先国名コード(Country, coded) 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationCountryCode2 | 着荷通知先国名コード(Country, coded) 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationAddress1_1 | 着荷通知先住所1/4(Street and number/P.O.Box) 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationAddress1_2 | 着荷通知先住所1/4(Street and number/P.O.Box) 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationAddress2_1 | 着荷通知先住所2/4(Street and number/P.O.Box) 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationAddress2_2 | 着荷通知先住所2/4(Street and number/P.O.Box) 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationAddress3_1 | 着荷通知先住所3/4(City name) 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationAddress3_2 | 着荷通知先住所3/4(City name) 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationAddress4_1 | 着荷通知先住所4/4(Country sub-entity, name) 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationAddress4_2 | 着荷通知先住所4/4(Country sub-entity, name) 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationName1 | 着荷通知先名 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationName2 | 着荷通知先名 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationPhoneNo1 | 着荷通知先電話番号 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationPhoneNo2 | 着荷通知先電話番号 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationPostalCode1 | 着荷通知先郵便番号(Postcode identification) 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
arrivalNotificationDestinationPostalCode2 | 着荷通知先郵便番号(Postcode identification) 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
article | 記事 |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeAddress1 | 荷受人住所1/4(Street and number/P.O.Box) |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeAddress2 | 荷受人住所2/4(Street and number/P.O.Box) |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeAddress3 | 荷受人住所3/4(City name) |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeAddress4 | 荷受人住所4/4(Country sub-entity, name) |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeAddressAll | 荷受人住所(連続入力) |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeCode | 荷受人コード |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeCountryCodeCountryCoded | 荷受人国名コード(Country, coded) |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeName | 荷受人名 |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneePostalCodePostCodeId | 荷受人郵便番号(Postcode identification) |
String, Null |
None. |
consigneeTel | 荷受人電話番号 |
String, Null |
None. |
countryOfOriginCode | 原産国コード |
String, Null |
None. |
deliveryLocationCode | 荷渡地コード |
String, Null |
None. |
deliveryLocationName | 荷渡地名 |
String, Null |
None. |
finalDestinationCode | 最終仕向地コード |
String, Null |
None. |
finalDestinationName | 最終仕向地名 |
String, Null |
None. |
houseBlConsolidatorBlNo | ハウスB/L・混載子B/L番号 |
String, Null |
None. |
netWeight | ネット重量 |
Number, Null |
Format : Number(9,3) Minimum : 0 |
oceanFareCurrencyTypeCode | 海上運賃通貨種別コード |
String, Null |
None. |
oceanFareFreight | 海上運賃(フレート) |
String, Null |
None. |
otherLawCode1 | 他法令コード 1 |
String, Null |
None. |
otherLawCode2 | 他法令コード 2 |
String, Null |
None. |
otherLawCode3 | 他法令コード 3 |
String, Null |
None. |
otherLawCode4 | 他法令コード 4 |
String, Null |
None. |
otherLawCode5 | 他法令コード 5 |
String, Null |
None. |
price | 価格 |
String, Null |
None. |
priceCurrencyTypeCode | 価格通貨種別コード |
String, Null |
None. |
productName | 品名 |
String, Null |
None. |
quantity | 個数 |
Number, Null |
Format : Number(8,0) Minimum : 0 |
quantityUnitCode | 個数単位コード |
String, Null |
None. |
representativeItemNo | 代表品目番号 |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperAddress1 | 荷送人住所1/4(Street and number/P.O.Box) |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperAddress2 | 荷送人住所2/4(Street and number/P.O.Box) |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperAddress3 | 荷送人住所3/4(City name) |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperAddress4 | 荷送人住所4/4(Country sub-entity, name) |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperAddressAll | 荷送人住所(連続入力) |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperCode | 荷送人コード |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperCountryCodeCountryCoded | 荷送人国名コード(Country, coded) |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperName | 荷送人名 |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperPostalCodePostCodeId | 荷送人郵便番号(Postcode identification) |
String, Null |
None. |
shipperTel | 荷送人電話番号 |
String, Null |
None. |
specialCargoCode | 特殊貨物コード |
String, Null |
None. |
symbolNo | 記号番号 |
String, Null |
None. |
temporaryLandingEquipmentCode | 仮陸揚貨物保税運送の運送具コード |
String, Null |
None. |
temporaryLandingId | 仮陸揚識別 |
String, Null |
None. |
temporaryLandingPeriod | 仮陸揚期間 |
Number, Null |
Format : Number(2,0) Minimum : 0 |
temporaryLandingReasonCode | 仮陸揚事由コード |
String, Null |
None. |
transportPeriodEstimatedEndDate | 運送期間終了予定日 |
String, Null |
None. |
transportPeriodEstimatedStartDate | 運送期間開始予定日 |
String, Null |
None. |
volume | 容積 |
Number, Null |
Format : Number(9,3) Minimum : 0 |
volumeUnitCode | 容積単位コード |
String, Null |
None. |
weightGrandTotal | 総重量 |
Number, Null |
Format : Number(9,3) Maximum : 999999.999 Minimum : 0 |
weightUnitCode | 重量単位コード |
String, Null |
None. |
weightUnitCodeNet | 重量単位コード(ネット) |
String, Null |
None. |